“Be Transformed,” 2019 Sculptural Vessel
When people are going through intense hurt, pain and grief, it can be hard to see life beyond what they’re experiencing in the present moment.
If you are that person, my mission is to encourage you; to let you know how deeply loved you are; how strong and capable you are; and that you are so valued. No matter what you’re going through, God is going to get you through it. He’s done it for me and he will do it for you.
Why is this my mission?
The 90s was a very dark period in my life. I suffered through physical and mental abuse from my then husband for more than a decade. Years of fear and degradation from him convinced me that I would experience a lifetime of suffering with no reprieve. It was only after he threatened my life and that of my sons that I finally mustered the courage to leave.
And yet, years after I escaped that horrible marriage, I still felt imprisoned by feelings of unworthiness and of being damaged. I was wounded and broken. I often looked back at how dysfunctional my past was and I would be filled with humiliation. I lived through regrets and disappointments. And I just carried that baggage for so long.
It took years for the scars to heal. It took years of accepting myself over and over again - that I was good enough, valued, loved immensely, and that I was capable of taking care of my sons.
While I can confidently say that I have joy in my heart and that I am fully healed, I didn’t get here on my own. Years of being a single mom were not easy yet God sent family and friends to love on me and my sons… to nourish and nurture our lives over the years.
Famous author and pastor Rick Warren once said, (I’m paraphrasing...), “God never wastes your pain. He comforts you through your troubles so that you are able to comfort others through their pain.” And he’s absolutely right! However terrible my past was, God’s love helped me get through it. Everyday is a day of gratitude. Everyday is a cause for celebration.
My sons have grown into responsible young men. They often call or visit to say that they love and miss me. I’m now married to the man of my dreams, who often shows how much he loves me and tells me that I’m beautiful. My cup is overflowing…
My story is a testament of how God can turn someone’s brokenness into a life of purpose and joy. I am forgiven, redeemed, highly favored, richly blessed, and loved so deeply. I wish the same for you.
If you have questions about how God changed my life or if you need prayer, please contact me. I would love to pray for you.